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List glossary objects. If parent_id and parent_type is specified, will return all glossary objects under the parent Glossary object. If type is defined, will return all glossary objects of that type only. page_size limit is 100.
ID of the parent object
Type of the parent object
, category
Filters the result to only contain glossary objects of this type
, category
, term
Search glossary objects. If name is specified will return all glossary objects with that name. is_fuzzy flag turns on fuzzy searching that allows non-exact matching. max_results limit is 100.
Filters the result to only contain glossary objects of this type
, category
, term
Search for glossary object based on the name. Case sensitive
Fuzzy search with name argument
Attaches documentation to a term. If an existing documentation is already attached to a term, it will be replaced.
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