Adding Snowflake to your decube connections helps your team to find relevant datasets, understand their quality via incident monitoring and apply governance policies via our data catalog.
Your account name will be the <account_number>.<region>
Configuring User, Role and Privileges
1. On a Snowflake worksheet, copy the commands below and modify as necessary. We have the user called DECUBEUSER and role called DECUBEROLE
set role_name ='DECUBEROLE';set user_name ='DECUBEUSER';set user_password ='changethispassword'; -- Change this password-- !!Choose an existing warehouse name if you don't want to create a new warehouse!!set warehouse_name ='DECUBE_WH'; -- Creates the role and user and grant the role to the userCREATE ROLE IF NOT EXISTS identifier($role_name);CREATEUSERIF NOT EXISTS identifier($user_name)password= $user_passworddefault_role = $role_name;GRANT ROLE identifier($role_name) TO USER identifier($user_name);-- Grants the base SNOWFLAKE database to the rolegrant imported privileges ondatabase"SNOWFLAKE"torole identifier($role_name);-- This will create a warehouse if the chosen warehouse does not existsCREATE warehouse IF NOT EXISTS identifier($warehouse_name)warehouse_size = xsmallwarehouse_type =standardauto_suspend =5auto_resume = trueinitially_suspended = truemax_concurrency_level =30statement_timeout_in_seconds =300statement_queued_timeout_in_seconds =1200;-- This grants the role access to the warehousegrant USAGE on warehouse identifier($warehouse_name) torole identifier($role_name);
2. The source type for the database has to be known. To get this information, from Snowflake dashboard click on Data -> Databases. On the left panel, a list of Databases can be seen along with Source.
3. If Source if local, modify database_name, copy into a worksheet and run the commands.
setdatabase_name='changethisdatabase'; -- The database to grant access toset role_name ='DECUBEROLE'; -- or differently if you modified it previously-- Read-only access to databasegrant USAGE ondatabase identifier($database_name) torole identifier($role_name);grant USAGE on all schemas indatabase identifier($database_name) torole identifier($role_name);grant USAGE on future schemas indatabase identifier($database_name) torole identifier($role_name);grant SELECT on all tables indatabase identifier($database_name) torole identifier($role_name);grant SELECT on future tables indatabase identifier($database_name) torole identifier($role_name);grant SELECT on all views indatabase identifier($database_name) torole identifier($role_name);grant SELECT on future views indatabase identifier($database_name) torole identifier($role_name);-- Only if external tables are to be ingested into Decubegrant SELECT on all external tables indatabase identifier($database_name) torole identifier($role_name);grant SELECT on future external tables indatabase identifier($database_name) torole identifier($role_name);
4. Steps 3 needs to be repeated for every database that needs to be monitored.