Azure Synapse

Adding Synapse to your decube connections helps your team to find relevant datasets, understand their quality via incident monitoring and apply governance policies via our data catalog.

Connecting to Azure Synapse requires credentials that can be easily found through this guide. These credentials include:

  • username

  • password

  • host

  • database


  • Ensure the Azure account you logged into has access to Azure Synapse credentials.

Getting the Credentials.

Log into your Azure account that has access to manage Synapse and click on the Synapse workspace of your choice. These are the information that you need to be aware of.

  • Dedicated SQL server URL (1) or Serverless SQL endpoint (2). Depending on where the database you want to connect with decube resides, we will need to input this information for Host.

These are highlighted and numbered on the relevant image below.

Click on the Synapse workspace of your choice. These are the credentials that we will need from here.

  1. Username

  2. Password

  3. Database name

  1. Select the master database on the Use database drop-down and create this login, we recommend calling it decube_login .

Save this login value and password value, the login will be for the Username and Password credentials respectively.

CREATE LOGIN decube_login WITH PASSWORD = 'strong_password_here!';
  1. Select the database you wish to connect with decube on with the Connect to and Use database drop-down. Create a user with the mapping for the login. We recommend naming it decube_user .

Save the database name as we will need that as the Database credential.

CREATE USER decube_user
FOR LOGIN decube_login;
  1. (a) If the database is in a serverless SQL built-in pool, run this code.

ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER decube_user;
  1. (b) Run this if it's in a dedicated SQL pool

EXEC sp_addrolemember db_datareader, decube_user;

Last updated