Overview of Reports

Here's how to generate, view and download reports through Decube.

You can now generate and export reports on usage analytics through the Decube platform. For example, if you want to check which users have access to certain datasets within your connected data source, you can now generate a report to see a list of all the user emails that have access to those datasets and the roles of these users.

The types of reports that can be generated depend on the data source you selected. Please refer to the section Supported Sources for Reports to see the list of reports supported for each source.

Viewing generated reports

Once a report has been generated, you will be able to see a preview of the report. The preview of the report will show the first 25 rows from your report. To see more rows from your report, you can download the CSV version of the report and view it in your spreadsheet editor.

How to generate a report

To generate a report, you can click on Generate a new report. This will bring you to the configuration pop-up where you can select the report type. You can then select a data source and the date range for the report to be generated.

You can also add optional filters, such as:

  • either Schema (which includes all tables in the Schema selected) or specific Tables ;

  • Users - these are a list of users with activated accounts in Decube only which you can add as a filter option.

Finally, add a report name and save the configuration. Depending on the size of the report, it may take a couple of minutes to generate the report.


Can I share my generated reports with other Decube users?

Reports are generated and viewed per individual user only to ensure that only authorized users can access such reports, and will not be accessible to other users. However, you can download the report output as a CSV and share the CSV file instead.

Last updated