
Adding Redshift to your decube connections helps your team to find relevant datasets, understand their quality via incident monitoring and apply governance policies via our data catalog.

Allowing Access

To allow our connector to access your Redshift instance, you will need to either:

  1. Allow public access

  2. Connect through a SSH Bastion

Allowing Public Access

You can still limit who can connect to your Redshift instance through security-group inbound rules when you enable public access.

Go to Actions > Modify publicly accessible setting

Check Turn on Publicly accessible and select an Elastic IP address

Navigate to the Properties tab

Scroll down to the Network and security settings and click through to your security group

Navigate to the Inbound rules tab and click Edit inbound rules

Click Add rule and in Type choose Redshift and in the Source section, add all of Decube's collector IPs.

You will need to post-fix the IP with /32 to limit it to only that IP. I.e.

Be careful with modifying inbound rule policies. It can affect connectivity within your own VPC if you remove existing rules.

SSH Bastion

You can also use a SSH Bastion if enabling public access is not an option. Setting up a Bastion host is out of the scope of this guide but you can refer to SSH Tunneling guide for more information.

Once you have setup a Bastion host, modify your Redshift security group inbound rule (refer to Ref 1.5) to allow source connection from your Bastion host's private IP address instead.

Connection Details

Connecting to decube is as easy as providing us with credentials to your Redshift database. At a minimum, we require

  • username

  • password

  • host address

  • host port

  • database name

The source name will be for you to differentiate and recognize particular sources within the decube application.

We strongly encourage you to create a decube read-only user for this credential purpose, which you can follow these steps.

Security Concerns

Custom User for decube

We highly recommend that you create a Read-Only user for decube. We have prepared a script that you may run on your Redshift database to create this user.

  1. Create a New User for decube

CREATE USER decube PASSWORD 'a_new_password';

2. We need access to information_schema

GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA information_schema TO decube;
GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA information_schema TO decube;

3. You may need to run this per schema that you have based on the default behavior of the schema.

GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA <schema_name> TO decube; 

Last updated